Do you have another life that u can only get to in dreams? I do.
My bedroom. Morning. Sunlight peeking thru the slitted blinds.
I'm lying in my bed, phasing in and out of frequency with waking reality... waves of vibration come and go... body still, mind calm, ready to absorb into conscious awareness every detail of any vision I will be shown.
Reverent with anticipation, I know I'm about to go astral...
At first it feels like riding a rollercoaster... literally... with an extreme sense of motion, rapid drops, fast turns... like flying thru space at an unbelievably high velocity.... before dropping down at free-fall speed (complete with the stomach-feeling) as another reality materializes before my eyes and I land inside it.
As I'm lying there, vibrating with waves of oscillating frequencies rolling thru me, I know that I'm about to be transported to another reality. But I know nothing about where I will go or what I will be shown. I've left those details up to the universe.
Before I tell you this story, I want you to know that I can't get enough of these adventures now, but for many years I fought them off because I didn't know what they were.
As a child, when the experiences would start to come on, they scared me like nightmares. I would use all my strength to break out of them in fear. I called them "demonic dreams," although if I'd just relaxed and not resisted the onset sensations, I would have found the complete opposite to be true.
One day, this happened. It was in 2007 when I was breaking myself out of "demonic dreams" almost every night for weeks, sometimes multiple times per night. I was living such a pure life that I had the sudden realization that bad spirits shouldn't even have an interest in me... let alone visit me nightly for weeks on end... so something else HAD to be going on.
But if they weren't demonic dreams, what were they?
Naturally... I did what seemed to be the most reasonable thing... I looked up my symptoms on google.
I already knew, and had known for years, that Babylon (AKA the establishment) calls it "sleep paralysis" and writes it off as nothing special. While the neurological data may be true, I know that for everything in the physical dimension, there is a counterpart in the spiritual dimension. It was the spiritual answer I was looking for.
It's like if I was bleeding.... Babylon would tell me my epidermis has been punctured and the corpuscles are leaking iron rich fluid... well no shit. But I want to know what cut me.
Allegory, guys. That's an allegory.
Well that day changed my life. I discovered that my symptoms were known as the "vibrational state" and that this was a highly sought-after condition by spiritual seekers as it could be used to exit the physical body. My "problem," it turned out, was the spring board to both lucid dreaming and the out-of-body experience.
Are you kidding me?!??! And all this time I had been shutting these off?!?!?!?!?!
As a lifelong seeker of cosmic wisdom, I couldn't wait for my first opportunity to see if this was true. After all the reading I had done, I wasn't scared the next time my body started to vibrate and I began to hear the disembodied voices, source-less radio broadcasts and whirring chainsaw sounds near my head... I just went with it... and wound up flying straight up and into a totally different reality without breaking any continuity of consciousness.
My first OBE exit rocked my world and I overcame a lifetime of fear when I realized the sensations that had scared me for years actually heralded the onset of a great spiritual adventure. From that day forward I became a passionate out-of-body explorer.
I learned from experience that little old me was the gateway to all I sought. And not in some tongue-in-cheeck cliché sense... but literally. I confirmed it over and over, and the vibrations became my hall pass to cosmic vistas and deeper realities.
I prayed all the time for the great Godforce behind all existence to "show me the secrets of the universe" while filtering out anything that was not helpful to my growth or the greater good of all. This request turned my life into a multidimensional thriller full of other worlds, deep loves, hidden powers and untold blessings.
Which brings us to this story...
It starts with me laying in bed... deep conscious breathing... theta state... enter the sounds and vibrations...... then.... a rapid sense of motion... falling.... falling.... faaaaalling... and suddenly....
I'm on the plains.
It's summer.
The grass is dry and golden, the sky a stark blue with barely a cloud in sight. And I'm running. Fast as hell. Then I feel and smell the wet neck of a horse beneath me and I realize the HORSE is running, and I am riding him hard as fuck, slapping him, yelling "YAH! YAAAAHHH!" with a band of men in pursuit. I am pushing with every last drop of my will to escape. I know, somehow, that I'd always escaped. But they were not supposed to be this close. This time something went wrong.
I feel the earthquake of thundering hooves, wet hair salty with sweat, flaring nostrils stinging from the dry heat, and I can hear the throng of horses behind me. I have to go faster. I have to put distance between us as we cut thru these trees. If only by force of will, I would have made it. But out of the trees now the terrain empties out into a flat wheat-colored panorama. There is nowhere to hide and my horse isn't moving fast enough. We have already run so far.
Horse snorts, yelling, white froth... the metallic taste of adrenaline.
In a moment I know I am in direct line of fire. Perception shifts into slow motion. I can feel everything clicking into alignment... like some great conjunction in the clockwork mechanisms of the universe, and I understand my life has come down to this moment.
I don't want to die, but I'm not afraid. If anything, I'm pissed. Embarrassed. I was smarter than any of these idiots. But goddamit they're right behind me. This doesn't feel like a winning hand. Not this time. But I have to find a way. I always find a way.
I suddenly have knowledge that many people are counting on me, awaiting my safe return. I know in a flash that my saddle bag is full of stolen money. And this is far from my first exploit. But I'm not a bad guy. I feel my righteousness and morality down to every subatomic particle.
I flash on families. I see their faces, I see their children, the farms, the houses. We need this money. I think of all the people whose lives would be hard if I didn't make it.
And then I hear a shot ring out. Louder than any I'd ever known. Pitch bent like it was ripping thru the fabric of space and time. Sound in slow motion. And I'm blown off my horse.
I know death should be immediate. I've taken a fatal bullet right in the back.
And yet I continue to breathe. I realize in astonishment that I'm not dead. The men gather around, rounding up my horse, and they open the bag for the money, spitting on me... seemingly unaware that they failed to do me in.
I can see clearly. I can hear everything. I feel no pain whatsoever. In fact, I feel more alive than I ever have. My eyes dart across the landscape, then from holster to holster. I know what I have to do. All my life, every choice I made, every action I took, brought me right here to this decision.
My instinct is swift and I leap up to grab the gun from the closest man, knowing I have to move fast.... but once that gun is in my hand, I know I can take all four of these men. And they know it too.
Powered by the euphoria of WINNING, thru the air I bound, electricity rippling thru me, heart pounding, eyes on fire.
And fast as lightning I am swooping in. And I grab the gun. But my hands go right thru it.
There is a shimmering moment of confusion as the men don't even look at me, and then...
The light of the prairie beams like a white flame, at first gemlike, then too bright to behold, and credits begin to scroll across my line of vision (!!) and music begins to play. A big swelling orchestra.
And still my consciousness remains.
No angels come to greet me. No holy figures or long lost relatives. They save that for people who need the reassurance.
Instead, amidst the glow of unearthly light, I see a house. It's a wooden house with an open window overlooking the prairie on this beautiful windless day. The afternoon is calm, perfect. My wife is there. And our child. Waiting for me. And suddenly I know she is pregnant again. I feel our love and everything about our life floods over me... and I know she is going to have a son.
Instead of a sense of sadness or loss, I am flooded with a feeling of extreme gratitude and honor. The joy erupting from my soul is fathomless, an ocean of bliss carrying my heart.
I want to tell her what has happened to me, and that I can see her, and that I love her and that she is going to have a son, and we will be together again... but I can only watch what seems like a hologram playing in my 360 degree field of vision. The great cosmic cinema.
Then I see someone throwing a gold coin, and I realize I'm watching myself. I am simultaneously actively experiencing and also passively witnessing my actions as an observer. A great paradox that seems so natural.
The golden coin sails thru the air to the sound of the symphony, in perfect focus.... catching a flash of sunlight in its perfect arc... and I see my wife catch it and throw it to someone else, who suddenly materializes upon my expanding field of vision... this person throws it to someone else, and it multiplies and bounces off to other homes and other families and grows and grows. I see the trajectory of lives I have changed. I see the good I have done.
And then, simultaneously on a new layer of perception, I see the men, with the gold they are taking from me right now before my eyes, and how it grows also among their families, sending young men to school, and the new things that come from the minds of these scholars, and all the good that grows from my work even in my failure and death.
Beneath all these layers of simultaneous reality, I still see my wife. Standing at that window. Looking. Watching. Waiting. The sunlight is pouring thru now. It's 4pm and I'm not home. She is going to know soon.
I want to rush to her. To comfort her. To look into her eyes. Her back is turned to me now. And I understand that we will never see each other again as the people we are together in this moment. Nothing seems more important than getting to her.... to look into her eyes one last time... I fight... all the power of my will..... LOOK AT MEEEE...... LOOK AT MEEEEE........
But now... suddenly... I am beginning to feel a warm sense of surrender. It grows in power, quickly and steadily, coursing thru my veins like a drug. It's time to come home.
I feel myself letting go. I don't even fight it.
Suddenly I become aware that there is a bed... and a pillow... and I am on it... and I am ME in THIS life, laying on my bed in THIS dimension, and a fleeting part of me tries to make the vision stay. I try to screw these eyes shut. To hold onto my love for just one more moment. To remember her.
But she slips away into the vapor of dreams, and I am left curled up on my side. A young woman. In pajamas. Who has never shot a gun in her life.